Tuesday, December 22, 2009

24 hours

Good news, I believe :D

Okay, I'm going to announce it.. Since I'm in the holiday mood, being in the holidays and all.

All of you may know that a 3-day notification is needed to place orders. So starting tomorrow up to early January, specifically the first week of January, I'm cutting the 3-day order shorter :D Instead of the 72-hour notice that I need, all I require is a 24hour notice!

Say you need an order lasagna for a Thursday morning/afternoon, then just make your order a day before which is.. Wednesday morning! Sounds alright, kan? There are exceptions pulang, kalau kamu contact aku time malam macam time pukul 8, midnight to subuh2, and order atu utk paginya.. I can't accept that. Just remember, 24 hours.

Other conditions still apply though and contact me via sms or e-mail. So once the first week of January 2010 ends, the 3 day notification comes back ;) The 24-hour notification is valid from 23/12/2009 until 07/01/2010.

All items on the menu are included for this:

Beef Lasagna - $3 & $25
Baked Macaroni and Cheese - $3 & $25
Vegetable Lasagna - $20
Macaroni and Meatballs - $25

CLICK HERE for menu
on how to order

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