Tuesday, September 29, 2009


It's been a while since I last updated. The second half of the semester has already started and ada tests, presentations :( no fun! but what to do? Muda maseh, belajar lah :P

This is just gonna be a short post, just to inform all of you that e-mail won't be the only way to contact me! Now you can contact me via mobile phone :D especially useful for those who don't utilise electronic mail (or e-mailing just isn't your thing?).


That's the number that you can contact me through if you wanna make orders. Sms/text me for orders :) Conditions still apply such as making orders 3 day prior to the date the order is wanted and well, click here lah ah.

If you don't feel like contacting me via mobile phone, there's always e-mail ;)

Many thanks to Nuar for making some space on his blog's sidebar for my lasagna :D do check out what other foodstuff are being offered there. Speaking of which, the potato salad offer is available throughout Syawal. I do believe it'll be added to the menu one day! I'll keep you posted.

AND, as always, CLICK HERE for the food menu. Look forward to more new additions in the near future.

'till here and many thanks to everyone :)

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