Friday, August 21, 2009

Happy Fasting

To all muslims out there, Happy Fasting :D I like the month of Ramadhan. It feels peaceful, we tend to worry less. And maybe it's also because of the fact that when my tummy rumbles in class (or in the general public), people understand and don't laugh. hehe. yeah, that's definitely one reason for me.

The FSC food sale is already done. Well, as of Thursday the 20th to be specific. I believe my sales were okay, with the exception of the last day where I had one sad sad lasagna left and a slight bump along the way :)

On a personal note, it was a relatively interesting day for me. Obviously eventful, sorta like one of those things in those fictional stories where one bad thing after another occurs. Nonetheless, everything seems alright now. ANDDD! I am able to take orders for your sungkai needs hee communication is important, so e-mail me if you have any inquiries. I will definitely reply.

Besides all that, Selamat Berpuasa to those who are fit and able to fast :)

till here <3

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