Hello all :D
wow. I haven't updated the blog for almost a month, neglected more like it. Uni's been tiring, going home late, thinking about my pending assignments, the weather.. have any of you noticed the weather? PANAS! I feel that my skin giving up on me. haha nvm that. Onto lasagna matters :D
Sadly, the month of Syawal has ended so that ends the potato salad promotion. I'm still taking orders for the foodstuff though my exams are coming up (eep!) and just to let you all know, I
will not be taking orders during my exams. Sighs. On a brighter note, I'm looking forward to what the minds at
FaiKuat have in store for the video that they intend to make for me :D (though it may take a while). This is all for now, I
should update soon I believe.
'till here. enjoy your weekend!
CLICK HERE for the food menu
CLICK HERE on how to make your orders
ps: to the person who tagged my cbox about 'lasagna sandwich', I have a wild hunch as to who you are ahaha